Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How to Avoid the Deadly Trap of Dangerous Telecommunications Billing Software?

The telecommunications industry is out of control. The old formulas for success no longer work. The low costs of call and SMS services no longer influence customers looking for "something else" without even knowing what that is. The responsibility to evoke customer interest is now only in the hands of disoriented telecommunications operators. Even the best of telecommunications companies with cutting-edge infrastructure is finding the new challenge of attracting customers too difficult to overcome. Therefore, many are busy acquiring the latest telecommunications billing software solutions without even verifying if they are suitable for them.
telecommunication billing software

The Dangers of the BSS Ordinary Billing System

When reading the title, you may have thought that there must be something inherently sinister in a telecommunications solution to be considered dangerous. But that is not really the case. Actually, it is the ordinary of a BSS billing system that makes them dangerous and condemns your business. Here are some reasons that explain how inefficient and ordinary software can be dangerous for your business:
1. Lack of convergence and Breakdown: today, an unbundled invoice is as good as any invoice. Customers want a complete fork of the charges incurred after each billing cycle. Therefore, if the billing system used by you is not up to the task and cannot produce detailed invoices and account for all charges on a single invoice, today's customers simply will not accept it.
2. Lack of Flexibility: marketing strategies evoke the interest of the client and help him sell his services. But when your OSS billing and telecommunications solutions are normal, it takes time to transform your plans into actions. During this delay, if customers get better options from their competitors, they will change operators without thinking twice. It will mean a loss of income for you. In the worst case, you might even have to pay to adjust the software to monetize your new services. Given that IoT is about to explode and that new 5G services are in sight, the dangers of such an ordinary software solution are immense. Therefore, you should always choose a telecommunications software provider that has considerable knowledge of the industry and can support your billing solution even after delivery.
3. Lack of Security: your billing system includes vital customer information that should not be disclosed to anyone in any case. With the threat of hackers in IT companies, your telecom billing software solution must have extraordinary security. Acquiring almost any software because it does the job can lead to big problems.
4. Lack of scalability: the number of subscribers is never a constant in the world of telecommunications. Therefore, every time you buy billing and OSS solutions, you must ensure that it is scalable enough to meet your current and future requirements. Most of the rudimentary software solutions in the market do not have the ability to scale efficiently according to unique business models employed by different organizations. Therefore, always look for a high quality software solution such as Telgoo5 to ensure business success.